Sunday, December 30, 2007
I am SO going to regret these two hours of my life!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
nightmares won't even let me sleep for two hours!
By 6pm today, I was feeling pretty drained out as I didn't get much sleep the last two days. I was working late on class assignments- art history presentation and typography project. So I made the really tough decision of not going to extra life drawing. And by 8 o clock, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stay awake any longer. I got in my bed with my jeans and t shirt on and was out cold in a second! I even left the lights on.
And now's when the dream starts. First thing I remember is me being at this Huge party. A lot of people are there. And surprisingly, I know almost all of them, and they know me. Could be like a party of all the people I ever knew or met in my entire lifetime. Like my classmates from nursery to my cousins' friends I've met. It was like a big catch up with old people thing.. But on a much larger scale as opposed to a high school reunion or somethin. It was like something was gonna happen to me in the near future and I won't be able to.. Communicate or stay in touch or something.
Next thing I know is I'm running around the house, getting/collecting little things.. Kind of like I'm packing to go somewhere. I am with chitrang talking away, and even he is running around.. Cleaning up and helping me out I guess. Then there's this really annoyed disgruntled pissed off teenager who comes in the house and starts throwing things around, messing everything up. He's about 16 or 17 I figure and like all of them at that age, is really loud and short tempered. He gets into an argument with lavi a.k.a. Chitrang. I look at him and I'm trying to remember who he is, because his face looks very familiar. After trying really hard, I say prateek? And he makes a weird face at me and says, "No! Ishu!" and leaves.
I am shocked! I remember seeing him when he was very little. Not even 11 I'd say.. And now I see him once for few minutes after so many years, and I'm about to leave again! I start talking to chitrang about it. I'm so sad that there's so much I've missed out on and am going to miss everything for next three years..(I really don't know that the three years are for) I'm sacred of being like that because my state of happiness relies a lot on how people I know are doing. One Case in point: the times when pranav's health had been deteriorating..
just then, I woke up. It was almost 11 pm. I'd been sleeping for only two hours. I was sweating and was pretty wet. I remembered I had to talk to dad, so i tried signing into google but the internet wasn't working. So I decided to just go back to bed. But now, sleep was like electricity in maharashtra- gone! So i figured i'd sit and contemplate the nightmare I just had.
Right off the bat, the thing that Really intrigues me is, "how the hell did my brain say ishu when i was totally clueless about who he was. He didn't even look anything like chitrang's younger brother! And why that name? Couldn't the brain think of some other person.. In particular, someone who i've seen is 16 or 17..can't consciously think of any names myself right now. Harsh is turning 18 in december, then Suraj. But anyways.. Did the brain know how I was gonna react when I found out that it was him?are the dreams a predetermined story or are they ad-libed as they go?
Maybe one side of the brain is actually me, and the other side of the brain is controlling the dialogue of the others around me or simulating the environments and the set up.. Hmm.. Gotta look into that! Interestingly, now that I think about the party and me going away thing could be that I've gotten into animation, and I was in india for the summer and am going to go back now. Or that I didn't get in, and my parents have shunned me and everyone is giving me a party before I become a homeless guy that noone will ever care about. But lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
beautiful short that never got released
I found this video on the federator studios blog, and it said that this short was made in disney to be part of the fantasia 2006 movie which was abandoned. And the short never made it to the theaters and wasn't submitted for the oscars.
This reminds me a lot of india and sankrant. the kite flying festical/day we celebrate there. And it really touched me. I hope you'll like it too.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Canadian Idiot -Weird Al
This is a really hilarious spoof of american idiot, based totally on canadian stereotypes. I think I've been long enough in this country to be able to understand the humor and laugh at this. but if you don't think this is funny, you need to meet some of my canadian friends.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Chandni raatein was by distant voices
I WAS one of the many people who believe that chandni raatein remix was done by bally sagoo. But this video ripped from telly is the proof that this remix is actually by a duo called distant voices. I have read about them and the song in various newspapers and blogs. so I want people to stop tagging this song with bally sagoo and then scrobbling it on!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Chaddi pehen ke phool khila hai
I googled the names in the end credits, and was led to the IMDB pages of those actors....most of the actors. You also have to consider that those people might not be spelling their names in the same way I decided to spell them in english, because the names in the credits are in hindi/devnagri script. So here's the list, of all the people I could find, the same order as in the credits.
Deepa Sahi - IMDB
Virendra Saxena - Veerendra saxena IMDB
Uday Sabnis - IMDB page
Vinod Kulkarni - only two movies...
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sonu didi on stage
The new youtube interface is kinda screwing a lot of things up. Emailing video to friends is one of them. That's why, I am unable to email this to only my relatives. So I'm posting it on my blog. add me as friend on youtube to see private videos.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Macbook Destruction
I really sympathize with this dude's situation. I've had such experiences with cheaper and lamer products brands/companies, but I really wouldn't expect that from apple. So I am pretty agitated myself, and I wouldn't want that kind of thing to happen to anybody.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Prison break loopholes part 1
Then an episode later, in number nine, we catch up with LJ and we see him emailing the picture to his own email address. Why not email it to the attorneys? the newspapers? his friends? (well, I guess they didn't want to hire more actors to play LJ's friends) Another thing, if they can tap into his phone, listen to his phone conversations, track his exact location, why can't they intercept his text messages? Someone needs to a little thinking before they make these shows.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Surf's up review
The CG animated movie surf's up, is a mocumentary. Probably the first ever animated one. The film crew follows the journey of Shiverpool resident penguin Cody maverick(voiced by Shia Lebouf...hope I spelled it right) from his home, to the town of pen-gu and through the 'Big Z memorial surfing contest'. They take interviews with other people like his mother and his brother, some elders of shiverpool, kids on the beach and so on. And as obvious, the camera crew follows all the other characters involved capturing all kinds of antics.
The Movie starts off with a old film footage(obviously staged... need I remind you this is a FAKE documentary?) of the surfing legend, big Z(voiced by Jeff bridges) during his heydays.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
RTFS adventure game review

My friend recently released his flash made game, rayman the fan series adventure. He emailed me the swf file, as I'm on a mac and can't use exe files.. but for you on pc, here is the download link. Now I was gonna email him back with what I thought were the plus and minus points of the game, when I thought I could act all professional and do an unofficial official review kinda thing on my blog. Okay, so without trying to sound any more fancy, here goes.
The game starts with a silhouette of rayman on the screen, and even though its just black, you can clearly tell that he's running. That, though it has nothing to do with the game, I just wanted to point out because its good understanding of drawing as an animator. I've always read in books and heard big people in the animation biz talk about having your pose work as a black spot on a white background. Abhinav has put even more really good artwork and character designs into the game. Now, I've never played any original rayman games, so I don't know what is originally made up by my friend here, but it all works. Great!
The gameplay has a few glitches or just minor nuances if you may, which I have pointed out to him, and expect him to try and clean up. But the game is tough when its supposed to be and pretty easy at times. Like the boss fights were kinda tough for me to get through. But again, I am a lousy gamer. My reflexes are as slow as a snail. So don't take my word for it, or atleast take it with a grain of salt. Try out the game for yourself here.
The game music varies nicely, as the mood changes. It wasn't very irritating or disruptive like it gets in certain games, I mean, I could sit through it all without muting my laptop. And I was typing an email between conversations. Sound effects too, are done nicely, I specially liked the part where the frog character pokes rayman to grab his attention to something. But there are still no voices, and The title clearly states that this is the text version. But we all hope the voices will be recorded soon and the game relaunched. come on! download it already!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Shrek 3 was a gut buster!

I don't think I need to go through the whole story, as you might already have heard that elsewhere. What I would like to get u excited about is probably something u didn't foresee. You all know that scene from the trailers where shrek gets puked upon by a creature in a pram... That pram has an ogre baby. Yeah! That was the potential spoiler. Fiona tels shrek that she's pregnant and that he's about to become a father. And as you'd expect, shrek is not ready. yeah yeah, the typical concern, whether I will be a good father for my children or not... but in his case, its different because he's an ogre. He is worried his kids will be ashamed of calling an ogre their father. I really felt for that poor guy in the particular sequence where he's talking to donkey about it.
Oh, almost forgot, before this talk, there is a nightmare sequence which involves hundreds and thousands of little ogre babies just gushing into his house. It starts off with the one in the pram. And lemme tell you, he's really CUTE. they did a really nice job on the character design and modeling. Then there are 3..5..8...15... and so on. They are destroying the house, getting themselves into trouble and all that. Kinda reminds me of the tom and jerry episode where tom is baby sitting a baby. LOL. Then the number just 'explodes'! They are coming in from the windows, the door, chimney(huh?) etc. I wonder how much computing was required for rendering that crowd of detailed babies. Great job there!
Then the puss and donkey being changed into each other is just a gimmick and lends itself to a few gags in the movie, but it doesn't have any solid purpose like donkey turning into a steed in the second movie. But it can easily be ignored. The rest of the movie is really funny. I was laughing from the first scene to the last dance sequence. Even the death of the frog kind sequence was comic! Other sequences that I really liked include the fateful events that happen on th day shrek and Fiona are filling in for the kind and queen. Some of them you've seen on the tv, but there is a big shot that they are keeping reserved for the movie only. so don't miss it, GO WATCH IT!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Now I totally believe her.
Its made by a guy called christien clegg.
watch it!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Disneys Recess Season 3 Episode 9
there was a time when I couldn't get enough of it. I was trying damn hard to find a place to watch recess other than the tv. but now, there are lots on and! have fun people.
Friday, April 06, 2007
The little red riding hood character was very poorly done. I can't imagine what the makers had in mind for her... She acts like a teenager but she doesn't look like a teenager at all. And the scenes between her and her grandmom were plain pain in the ass. They tried to have the emotional aspect to it that many Disney movies have but it just wasn't done good enough so it ended up being plain sloppy. Then the song sequences. Even they were just as irritating as bollywood song and dance sequences. I wished they had just kept away from all that. In comparison to that, the other part of the movie was way better.
The best character was the goat who could change horns. Nice, perky, awesome design and thought. I also liked the song he sings. If at all, you end up with a copy of the movie, just watch it for the goat part. He's awesome! the rest, was plain boring... come to think of it, the goat part was the thing that made me not HATE the movie. Hate is too harsh a word. I just didn't like the rest of the movie is enough.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Thoughts about TMNT

I watched the movie in famous players Mississauga the day before yesterday and I thought it was pretty cool! Even though its a studio which I had never heard of before, that's nothing to fret about. The guys at IMAGI studios have done a damn good job! The environment looks very real in places and parts. I'd say even better than 300! The turtles are so detailed, especially during the fight sequence between...(oh I guess I shouldn't mention'll be a spoiler..well, there are more to come in the latter part of the post so I wouldn't recommend reading it unless you hve seen the movie or are prepared to know the story beforehand) So, that brings me to the fight sequences.. so amazingly done. The action really makes your adrenaline pump hard. I was at the edge of my seat when the turtles were kicking butt! Oh, not only the turtles, the human characters April and KC too were amazing. I liked the ninja female... HOT! hehe...
Oh well, the story? I couldn't exactly get the part in the beginning where they are explaining that the general opened a portal to another dimension and thus 13 monsters were released into this world. Also, his brothers were turned into stone and he was immortalized. (spoiler alert!)He lived on through the ages and is now preparing to capture the 13 monsters and send them back to the other dimension, break the curse and finally, DIE! so you might want to know that before you enter he theaters or else you could be scratching your head halfway through the movie too. Well, I only have one thing to point out, if the monsters had been plaguing the world since 3000 years, why didn't we ever see them before? But I'm ok living with that since it was such a rocking movie.
Oh ya, that reminds me, the music is amazing too. I'll be getting the soundtrack soon. I'll leave ya with this teaser trailer. A better trailer is at the TMNT website have fun!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Meet the Robinsons - Making the 3D/Stereo Film
I have seen one 3d movie made in India, (I don't want to talk about the movie) and the glasses we had to wear for that weren't coloured red and blue like they have shown here. they were both the same colour and didn't give me headache. I wonder if they were using the same technology they used here.
I also remember seeing the movie spy kids 3D in the theater in pune and for that one, I had to use those red and blue coloured glasses. They gave me a headache! plus, the movie was really shitty too. so I am really glad to hear that this movie doesn't have those red and blue picture. I'm really looking forward to watching it in the theaters. So, you should be waiting for the exciting and fun review!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
300 Accoding to yash
So, lets begin. I will start with what's most obvious first. The film employs a lot of use of the particle system. With the start of the movie, you see extravagant and totally 'out there' depiction of snowfall. Its moving even when the rest of the frame is still. Nothing could make it look more fake. No hint of any attempt at simulating it to look natural. The film makers wanted it that way. Maybe to keep it easy for the sfx team. Yes, there are a lot of cutting corners. And by the way, whatever I just said about snow, also goes for the fire thingys. the little sparks.. I am not exactly sure if that's the accurate word for it. Flares? fiery specks? Oh well, never mind.
Next thing I'm gonna talk about is in the movie logo too, perhaps you have noticed it. (if you're not colour blind that is!) I'm talking about the blood splatter! There's just so much splatter when they're in combat, cutting people's limbs and heads but I didn't see that much blood actually flowing or accumulated anywhere. When you say bloodbath, you expect to see people covered with blood but that was hardly the case. People with arrows through their bodies or stuff are totally clean and the wounds surprisingly don't seem to be bleeding at all! In almost every scene, the backdrop or the ground is totally clear of any blood. What the heck?!!!
I suppose there's just one more thing to say, The backgrounds. In certain scenes, they actually had depth to them and had depth and were awesome! But in other places, there just didn't seem to be any connection of the background to the actors and people. One case in point, a scene where the kind is giving a speech...(yeah right that's so exact!) oh, well, I don't remember what he's saying in that particlar scene, but the camera pans with him and one part is a blue stone wall and the other, you see the orange sky. THAT particular sky looked as it it was painted and put back there. There was no suggestion by means of the lighting on the king or the army there that said that they're in the same place. Now if you get what I mean and agree, well and good. If you don't, I don't give a damn so don't comment.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
drawn together season 3
The show is still the same, just my sense of humour has changed a little. Or maybe these are the kinds of jokes you'd laugh at only once. So I can't say that I enjoyed these just as much. The 'adultness' is still there, but they just don't show graphic images that much any more. I'm talking about things like boobs and penises. Or lesbian and gay sex.
The funniest episode I'd say was the one where claire keeps wooldor suckbat sick to get people's attention. There were so many things that ticked me off about that. Specially the retard baby of captain hero and his sister! Lol!
Now I only need to get episode 8 onwards of the season 3 of the first ever animated reality tv show!
sent frm my E60
Monday, March 19, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
South park season 11 starts...With apologies

The new episode of south park was totally amazingly hilarious. While the last season's end left me feeling south park was starting to loose it and isn't as funny anymore, the new episode hits it right in the nuts! Now I can say again, Family guy is not funnier than south park. The episode deals with stan saying the n word on television game show wheel of fortune and being abused throughout the show. And as he tries to win back his self respect, There is a 'midget' david nelson trying to teach students about respecting minorities. But cartman always, ...won't listen!
The stan marsh story is what it starts with, but without a doubt, the eric cartman part is more funny than that. No matter what david does, eric cartman is hell bent on making fun of him. He even fights him in the end. I won't give away too much here, so I'll stop. And if you, like me, were skeptical about how good the new episodes are, there's nothing to worry about, its totally worth the 30 minutes of your miserable little life. you MUST watch this episode is all I am going to say.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
A video of fergusson college by some dude.
Please don't mind the sadistic music. mute the volume if u want.Even I don't like any of those songs at all. but the video brings back such memories. you can see my comment if you go to the youtube page.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Heroes is getting stupider already!

So, I missed this episode of heroes again and I wanted to watch it so bad that I downloaded it off the internet again, and boy was I disappointed. There were a number of things just WRONG in this one. I'd like to start with suresh and sylar. He makes some tea and when asked by sylar what it was, he says its 'chai' which is just hindi for tea. And considering that he speaks good enough english, why don't just have him say tea? Are you implying that his english isn't good enough to know chai means tea? Well, to be honest, I would totally buy it if I was told that he's kinda stupid so he doesn't know english very well. Because, why would a 'really intelligent' scientist take the risk of keeping a really deadly superpowered mutant/freak alive giving him a chance to kill you? To keep him tied up after you drug him and put him to sleep and tell him that you want to kill him for killing his father. I was going, ' Hey mohinder, You could have extracted the bone marrow while he was out cold and killed him and froze his body for future if you think you might need it again later..' He obviously hadn't thought it through.
And hiro, even after being in the place for so long, is still a kid at heart. Which gets too annoying at times! What's with " yay flying man!!!" And when he's up on the stairs, just inches away from the sword, why didn't he just pick it up? What's stopping him? The caretaker guy was down there, the security guards were not even in the room, and after he has his sword, he'll get his powers and he can teleport to anywhere or top time. I know this is just a REALLY STUPID plot to bring ando back into the story. But we all know he's gonna go back to japan soon. he won't be there in NY at the time of the blast!
Then the detectives. Even niki/jessica says that spying on a guy from his own hotel is soo stupid. And I totally agree with her. Is the american police really that stupid? And nathan, was so desperate to shoot Linderman, why doesn't he just do it? if he IS special, he won't die. But atleast give it a try... even we want to know what is linderman capable of. And out of all my experiences with bad guys in movies and television and cartoons, Linderman is NOT they kind of guy who can be trusted. so he is gonna kill nathan sooner or later. Just get it over with!
I hate it when sitcoms get stretched beyond sense and sensibility for no reason. Now lets divert our attention towards peter. He walks into mohinder's appartment at a really bad time for sure. Then he makes another stupid move by saying out his name. Now sylar knows its him. Its like saying dinner is served, Come and get me!
Well, I agree, the last one wasn't that strong an argument, but the next one is something you can't look away from. Its never EVER explained in the show, how Sylar gets to learn people's powers from their brains. Does he eat the brains or put them inside his own skull? If yes, what gave him the idea? where did he come up with that when he killed his first target? Next guess would be does he look at the brains and modify his own brain somehow? Oh come on, he's a fuckin clock repairman and not a surgeon!! Don't tell me he needs dna from the brain. If you did that, you'd be making yourself look stupid. The dna of a person is the same in every cell of his body. If you remember, mohinder tells sylar to give a sample of his dna by swabing the stick on the inside of his cheek. They really need to explain that because its the centre pieces of the show! And I for one would really like to know how he cut open the head of the first victim he killed!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Into The Ocean
I'm just a normal boy
That sank when I fell overboard
My ship would leave the country
But I'd rather swim ashore
Without a life that's sadly stuck again
Wish I was much more masculine
Maybe then I could learn to swim
Like 'fourteen miles away'
You're floating up and down
I spin, colliding into sound
Like whales beneath me diving down
I'm sinking to the bottom of my
Everything that freaks me out
The lighthouse beam has just run out
I'm cold as cold as cold can be
I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Where is the coastguard
I keep looking each direction
For a spotlight, give me something
I need something for protection
Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine
The jets, I'm sunk, I'm left behind
I'm treading for my life believe me
(How can I keep up this breathing)
Not knowing how to think
I scream aloud, begin to sink
My legs and arms are broken down
With envy for the solid ground
I'm reaching for the life within me
How can one man stop his ending
I thought of just your face
Relaxed, and floated into space
I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Let the rain come down
Now waking to the sun
I calculate what I had done
Like jumping from the bow (yeah)
Just to prove I knew how (yeah)
It's midnight's late reminder of
The loss of her, the one I love
My will to quickly end it all
So thought no end my need to fall
Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
into the ocean...end it all
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion (yeah)
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Let the rain come down
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
(In to space)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
(I thought of just your face)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)
Into the ocean (goodbye) end it all (goodbye)