Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mickey interviewed me

Mickey Mak:
Yeah I heard about Savannah Congrats!

yash gupta:
thanks man

Mickey Mak:
Hoe did it happend?

yash gupta:

Mickey Mak:

yash gupta:
I applied for SCAD. I sent them a portfolio

Mickey Mak:
but does it mean you won't have to pay for school at all?

yash gupta:
even though my cousin told me they don't offer scholarships
I found out in feb that they do.
no, I will still be paying a huge amount
but this is the first time ever I've been given any scholarship

Mickey Mak:

Did u tell ur fam?
Mickey Mak:

they must be super excited
yash gupta:
i told my dad.
yash gupta:
he didn't sound excited
yash gupta:
but hey, dad's like me. controls his emotions very well
Mickey Mak:
So you're moving to the US. You lucky bastard. You know you're living my dream right?
yash gupta:
he's a cancerian too
yash gupta:
Mickey Mak:
yash gupta:
he wasn't too shaken when I told him I didn't get into sheridan either
Mickey Mak:

ah so u didn't get into sheridan
Mickey Mak:

but You're still happy right?
Mickey Mak:

I mean Savannah! Excellent school too
yash gupta:

yes, definitely
yash gupta:

I didn't tell my family this, I don't think I ever will..
Mickey Mak:

I guess youre dad is not too fond of the idea of you changing places
yash gupta:

Mickey Mak:

Just curious from which school did u get an answer first?
yash gupta:

sheridan first told me I scored a . on my portfolio
yash gupta:

and today I heard from SCAD
Mickey Mak:

Mickey Mak:

Heart attack!
yash gupta:

Mickey Mak:

when did you apply to Savannah?
yash gupta:

I had set up my family for this, told them before my result that i didn't work very hard, I only started working on it after I came back from phoenix
yash gupta:

yash gupta:

after I got back from phoenix
yash gupta:

after I got back from phoenix, I was so charged up! I worked my butt off on the portfolio. I didn't eat properly, slept as little as I could, didn't play squash....
yash gupta:

my parents won't know that.
Mickey Mak:

No body deserves it better than you man
yash gupta:

I don't know about that...
yash gupta:

:) thanks tho
Mickey Mak:

I'm very curious about something. How does it feel to have been rejected times by Sheridan? I don't know if I would have been able to take it.
yash gupta:

feels like they are such jerks
yash gupta:

I've seen their system, and it's Flawed, with a bold F!
Mickey Mak:

really how so
yash gupta:

I know this guy kyle, who is a really fine artist. I've seen him work on his portfolio for months!
yash gupta:

probably all year long, way longer than I have
yash gupta:

(this year)
yash gupta:

and he didn't get in either
yash gupta:

people who have gotten s and s on their sheet, suddenly get a in a arbit category somewhere.
Mickey Mak:

Mickey Mak:

I'm really happy for you man
yash gupta:

my classmates, who saw me work, are like, . is not bad for weeks of work
yash gupta:

Mickey Mak:

Now that you've got a ticket it in can you honestly say that Animation is still you passion? your dream?
yash gupta:

Hernando, who I started going to for review, critique of my work,
yash gupta:

was very encouraging too...
yash gupta:

"if you improved so much in month, you can definitely make it in next year!"
yash gupta:

ofcourse I can!
Mickey Mak:

Mickey Mak:

you were saying
Mickey Mak:

Mickey Mak:

Now that you've got a ticket it in can you honestly say that Animation is still you passion? your dream?
yash gupta:

sorry what/
Mickey Mak:

i disconnected
yash gupta:

-> ofcourse I can.
Mickey Mak:

Now that you've got a ticket it in can you honestly say that Animation is still you passion? your dream?
yash gupta:

Mickey Mak:

Oh you said " Of course"
Mickey Mak:

sorry lol
Mickey Mak:

so what now?
Mickey Mak:

how much is Savannah comparaed to Sheridan. I know Animation at sheridan is about K/ yr
Mickey Mak:

yash gupta:

yeah, SCAD will be k
yash gupta:

but not such a big difference anymore.
Mickey Mak:

I hear that the US is looking forward to attract Int Student considering the economic climate. More $ for them
yash gupta:

Mickey Mak:

So what's you plan now? Know anybody in Atlanta?
yash gupta:

nope. and I'm going to join the savannah campus
yash gupta:

well, not off the top of my head..
yash gupta:

but if I tried.. I could find a distant relative, or a friend of a relative.. relative of friend...
yash gupta:

Mickey Mak:

Honestly now that you're experience Canada and a little bit of the US which do you like best?
Mickey Mak:

Mickey Mak:

yash gupta:

I like it where I have friends
yash gupta:

I like it where I have family
Mickey Mak:

What does this mean? You like Canada, India, and America equally?
Mickey Mak:

Am I keeping you away from something?
yash gupta:

I just got distracted
yash gupta:

there are things I'd like to get going on..
yash gupta:

but to answer that question, I don't think I can say yet
yash gupta:

I've only lived in USA for less than a month
yash gupta:

in different places
yash gupta:

out of it all, phoenix seemed the most to be my kind of place.
Mickey Mak:

just so you know living in a country is at least months
Mickey Mak:

you were on vacation
Mickey Mak:

yash gupta:

would definitely like to stay in phoenix more
yash gupta:

San francisco, the city, the people, seemed cold. distant
yash gupta:

Mansfield Ohio, was a small town.. countryside.. worse than oakville
yash gupta:

Toronto, seems cool. but again, I haven't lived there
yash gupta:

akola, pune, I'd be like, "fucking don't make me live there!"
yash gupta:

atleast until they come out of the dark ages
Mickey Mak:

worse than Oakville I didn't know that existed
Mickey Mak:

yash gupta:

yash gupta:

you could drive for a few minutes before you see any traffic lights!
yash gupta:

doesn't sound so bad in that sentence..
Mickey Mak:

when you look back from when you first came to Sheridan. DO you have any regrets (This sounds like an intervew lol)
yash gupta:

I didn't exaggerate it
yash gupta:

could I go ahead and put it on my blog?
Mickey Mak:

Mickey Mak:

yash gupta:

I wouldn't have met so many great friends if I didn't come to sheridan.
yash gupta:

we wouldn't be talking if I hadn't come to sheridan. so yeah, I would regret not coming to sheridan most of all!
Mickey Mak:

But I mean do you regret not applying to SCAD after you first Sheridan rejection?
yash gupta:

uh.. yeah, a little bit maybe. I think I should have pursued SCAD like I did sheridan.
yash gupta:

but wait.. maybe after my nd rejection
yash gupta:

my first rejection was no even my best attempt
Mickey Mak:

yash gupta:

I was SO BAD back then.
Mickey Mak:

So this is new adventure for you. Are you gonna miss Canada?
yash gupta:

I was talking to friends about coming back to canada for christmas.
yash gupta:

yash gupta:

I didn't tell you about the adventures we had out in the snowstorm!
yash gupta:

or did I?
Mickey Mak:

I don't think so