Monday, February 06, 2006

A Grand Half Century

The "my life" blog has reached 49 posts and this is the 46th post in the fun portal and I am planning to do something special when both the blogs finish 50 posts. That`ll be like the century of my blogging if u combine the both. I want something that`ll appeal to s many people as possible. Just yesterday, I read the juglar view column written in the sunday TOI. I really enjoy reading his column. Its very funny..a little bit of sarcasm but i like sarcasm I really do.
So, the article was about the audience whom you write for. I`m not going to type all of it out right now but I can sum it up in one line as-You can see the reaction of the audience if you are speaking in font of them but in writing its impossible to tell the reaction of the readers. And, if you dont get any comments on it either, what are you supposed to do?
Ruchi didi came and left a comment on the eyes....not any of the articles in particular.(its ok ruchi didi I understood the other day that you have no intrest in "fun" at all) so I am not even going to try to figure out what could be a good article to write...Instead, I have two options for you people-

  • Either you volunteer to write a guest article(yes its ruchi didi`s idea)
  • OR, you could come up with a challenging subject for me to write about! give me something difficult. I`m ready for some brainstorming.

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