Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The method I`m finally using is,

Thanks Ayub for e-mailing me today with the explanation for the categories hack, But I have already implemented the greasemonkey hack on this blog and the technorati method from nathan`s blog on "my Life" blog. I`m finding the greasemonkey method convenient enough since delicious`s tagroll automatically displays a list of my categories to the left. The plus point about Nathan`s method is that you dont have to go and post/bookmark your topic every time. But I think you can improve Nathan`s technorati method by typind the html code in the post template like Ayub said so that you dont have to type it every time you write a post! Nobody i know has implemented this method yet, probably because they didnt visit my blog seems ruchi didi for one is very busy... well, anyways thanks all you guys who helped!
Filed in:

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