I have been writing non stop on this page without caring whether people visit it or not but recently, when i stumbled across a guy`s blog which had more than 35 comments on a single post, I felt bad that hardly anyone commments on my blog. My blog is listed in blogexplosion and blogxchange but still almost 1/4ths of the visits shown in the counter are from me previewing the page. So if u are reading this, Please link my blog on yours or tell people you know to visit, and you`ll be making me very happy. Thank you.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Greasemonkey Method: Update for Firefox 1.5 and Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - Freshblog
Greasemonkey Method: Update for Firefox 1.5 and Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - Freshblog
I had stopped tagging posts for a while when i was using wbloggar but after I installed the greasemonkey extension for firefox1.5 and posted, there were many new options that appeared the first time I posted. I had even changed the title of my blog and so I couldnt correctly configure it and now, the tag links on the bottom of my posts dont link to my delicious page. Please help me with this john.
I had stopped tagging posts for a while when i was using wbloggar but after I installed the greasemonkey extension for firefox1.5 and posted, there were many new options that appeared the first time I posted. I had even changed the title of my blog and so I couldnt correctly configure it and now, the tag links on the bottom of my posts dont link to my delicious page. Please help me with this john.
Filed Tags:
little gamers comic
this is a pretty good strip.Although it took me some time to understand it fully, I was roaring with laughter when I finally understood the pun. If u havent already noticed this comic, now would be a nice time...well anytime would be a nice time i have a link to the site in my sidebar under "I like".
Filed Tags:
Saturday, January 28, 2006
game types-rope race
The most awesome thing I found was the game type called RR (or rope race for newbies) I had myself thought up of different modes like using only bazooka and greenade which is called B&G and some others. But this was something I could never imagine.
This mode requires extreme expertise with the rope weapon. Players begin at the starting point of a map specially designed like a maze so that going through it is going to require climbing and decending which cant be done without ropes and hence a scheme with unlimited rope and nothing else. worms are even anchored to the ground so that they dont just walk across flat paths.(all the rules can be found at worms hut) RRkit has animated gifs showing how all the different moves are performed.
Thats all the typing for me tonight. go out explore on your own if u have he game or ask someone for it. You might as well consider going to warez sites like projectw.org if you really want this game.
This mode requires extreme expertise with the rope weapon. Players begin at the starting point of a map specially designed like a maze so that going through it is going to require climbing and decending which cant be done without ropes and hence a scheme with unlimited rope and nothing else. worms are even anchored to the ground so that they dont just walk across flat paths.(all the rules can be found at worms hut) RRkit has animated gifs showing how all the different moves are performed.
Thats all the typing for me tonight. go out explore on your own if u have he game or ask someone for it. You might as well consider going to warez sites like projectw.org if you really want this game.
Filed Tags:
Maybe some of u did notice that I have changed the name of my blog and the description to better describe what i`m posting here from now on, but for the newcomers who are finally here now because its not just cartoons, Welcome.
Getting to the topic, I was spending my time playing worms world party with my nephewes and neice. when I felt that it could e better there could be something more to this game than just the default weapons,maps,voices,flags etc... and the search yeilded an insane amount of resources! I had started blogrolling them on this blog but i still wanted to write an entry and tell you what all sites are really good and what arent. And boast about all the new things I learned-bout the game.
So, lets start with...ummm wht?
oh allright. I remember I placed a link to fileplanet on the left. That will take you to the download page of a worms armageddon patch that has many new soundbanks,maps,flags,graves and schemes. The file is a zip file that will automatically extract into the default folders of worms armageddon so u dont have to manually place all the files in the user/flags,graves,speech etc folders. The colour maps are in png format which worms world party will not accept. to use them in wwp u will have to convert png to jpeg/bmp. so if u have that good a connection, go ahead and download the complete file at once!
Getting to the topic, I was spending my time playing worms world party with my nephewes and neice. when I felt that it could e better there could be something more to this game than just the default weapons,maps,voices,flags etc... and the search yeilded an insane amount of resources! I had started blogrolling them on this blog but i still wanted to write an entry and tell you what all sites are really good and what arent. And boast about all the new things I learned-bout the game.
So, lets start with...ummm wht?
oh allright. I remember I placed a link to fileplanet on the left. That will take you to the download page of a worms armageddon patch that has many new soundbanks,maps,flags,graves and schemes. The file is a zip file that will automatically extract into the default folders of worms armageddon so u dont have to manually place all the files in the user/flags,graves,speech etc folders. The colour maps are in png format which worms world party will not accept. to use them in wwp u will have to convert png to jpeg/bmp. so if u have that good a connection, go ahead and download the complete file at once!
Filed Tags:
Friday, January 27, 2006
comic strip episode 2
Thursday, January 26, 2006
My yahoo blog

I have been posting on that blog a lot lately but havent been getting enough hits..maybe I should adopt the writing style of the writers from top gear magazine. I really liked reading that magazine on my way to durg.
BRRRRR back to the subject- I also have an extensive list of links under the blogroll there that would be of intrest to anyone intrested in technology/computers/internet. So please visit this once and tell me what u think of it.
Filed Tags:
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Are we there yet?: Cy, the Cyclops cat!
Are we there yet?: Cy, the Cyclops cat!
well this is a blog I stumbled upon while randomly visiting blogs at blogexplosion.com I found this particular image very attractive and think she actually looks good with that huge eye almost half the size of its head. so go ahead and visit tht blog its really good.
well this is a blog I stumbled upon while randomly visiting blogs at blogexplosion.com I found this particular image very attractive and think she actually looks good with that huge eye almost half the size of its head. so go ahead and visit tht blog its really good.
Filed Tags:
God dammit no comments so far? Its driving me nuts!!! come on people, Fan mail, Hate Mail even spamming will do just want to know what you guys think of it. I have the second strip almost ready now but its on my desktop and am having frequent power cuts today so cant do anything about that and I will be going to durg tomorrow so will only come back to upload it on 24th/25th. I also wanted to make a greeting card and post it on my blog to wish mamaji and mamiji a happy married life. Well apart from that, I have been just reading little gamers and some stuff to help me make my comic better. I have finally made the characters and so the 4th strip will introduce them.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The method I`m finally using is,
Thanks Ayub for e-mailing me today with the explanation for the categories hack, But I have already implemented the greasemonkey hack on this blog and the technorati method from nathan`s blog on "my Life" blog. I`m finding the greasemonkey method convenient enough since delicious`s tagroll automatically displays a list of my categories to the left. The plus point about Nathan`s method is that you dont have to go and post/bookmark your topic every time. But I think you can improve Nathan`s technorati method by typind the html code in the post template like Ayub said so that you dont have to type it every time you write a post! Nobody i know has implemented this method yet, probably because they didnt visit my blog lately...it seems ruchi didi for one is very busy... well, anyways thanks all you guys who helped!
Filed in: blog
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
South Park Quotes Are up
I wanted to add this little bit to my blog a long time back but it just slipped out of my mind. Well tonight I finally remembered it and I have put it up! So even those who havent seen an episode of south park can know what makes it so great-its dialoges. Its simple "construction paper" animation but the storyline and the dialogues ake all the difference in the world! So, just leave comments because i`m also going to add a recent comments box to the left!
An Episode I had Missed Somehow..

Tonight I was watching season 6 of south park and stumbled upon episode 11 child abduction is not funny. Really funny when the chinese guy-the owner of city(or Shitty)wok restaraunt is hired to build a wall around the city-just because he`s a chinese. lol! And then, the Mongolions just keep coming back to destroy the wall he made! That was very hilarious...we dont even know their motive, they are just destroying the wall he makes pissing him off! hah just download and watch that episode if u havent done it already!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Fun with weapons

The first season of the 8th episode-I first watched this episode with my cousin suraj in nagpur and we both really really enjoyed it and the last sentence, is what all the Indians do.
The censor board lets all the voilent movies pass out but only the movies with slightese of cleavage get an 'A' rating!
But the best part of te episode was when kyle decides to get back at cartman and yells out "my young ming couldnt cope with what i was seeing. Cartman should be punished!" really funny...and there are hardly any such moments when cartman looses.
Now i used the method that rahul gupta wrote
I still didnt understand one thing! when he says write tags in the link text box, what exactly am i supposed to type? the url of my tag like http://del.icio.us/yashrg/testing or write the word testing and use the hyperlink button to make it a link in itself or just the word testing alone? help me out here guys!!! and i learned one more thing with this i will also have to go to the delicious page and put my blog in the tag after i`m done blogging! boy this is had work!
Where I went wrong the last time
Last time when I had posted, I forgot to first create those categories on del.ico.us/yashrg so I made new tags on del.icio.us and am posting it now.lets hope it asks me about which tag to apply to this one!
Did This Work?
I thought that the method on this Page wasnt very good because Using that method you still couldnt have all the categories displayed on your blog sidebar itself but using Ayub`s method could so i just wanna see if it gives me an option now...But the problem is that right now I only have categories of simpsons and sp on this page!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
My first post using wbloggar
U might think that i mis typed the word bloggar but thats what the name of this software is.this is the new version 4.00 and i am very pleased by the looks of it. It logs into my blogger account and lets me select which one of the two blogs am i going to post in.I dont know how many actually visited to see the crazy frog lyrics that i spent so much time on but hope u will enjoy the wallpaper of him.thats it for now, I would really recomment this to everyone!
crazy frog info
Friday, January 13, 2006
Crazy Frog Lyrics
Okay now prepare to sing along...warm up your vocal chords and fine tune that mike here are the lyrics to the crazy frog song!Now I`m not saying they`re perfect,(u`re supposed to do that) but they are as accurate as I could have put them...
Ding ding, do bam baram bom baram bom babam bom...
What's going on? (ON?)
Ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ding ding
Bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bo bo
Ring ring ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ding ding ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog! (Break down!)
Ding ding
dam dam dumda dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Bem bem
dam dam dumda dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ra ba bra bram ba brrrram brramaba brrrrrrrrrrrrremba ba ba beyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ding ding
Do do!
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bo bo
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ding ding
C-c-razy-cra-crazy/bre break it!
dam dam dumda dam damdam
dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Bem bem
dam dam dumda dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Bem bem.
Ding ding, do bam baram bom baram bom babam bom...
What's going on? (ON?)
Ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ding ding
Bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bo bo
Ring ring ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ding ding ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog! (Break down!)
Ding ding
dam dam dumda dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Bem bem
dam dam dumda dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ra ba bra bram ba brrrram brramaba brrrrrrrrrrrrremba ba ba beyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ding ding
Do do!
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bo bo
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ring ring ding ding ding
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Ding ding
C-c-razy-cra-crazy/bre break it!
dam dam dumda dam damdam
dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Bem bem
dam dam dumda dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
dam dam dam-da-daa dam dam
Let's do the Crazy Frog!
Bem bem.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
What the blog looks like right now
I didnt think it would be much problem when i first decided to have this "wallpaper" for the background and that fountain at the "entrance".But today when i accessed it using my slow dial up connection i saw what it would look like to people.
First i saw the fountain and an all white background with the text.Not bad i thought to myself.so even if the pictures didnt show up, it was ok with me.
First i saw the fountain and an all white background with the text.Not bad i thought to myself.so even if the pictures didnt show up, it was ok with me.
Filed in: blog
Friday, January 06, 2006
Akola sucks(in this context only)
Akola is technically so backwards...First of all i cant get a technician to fix my desktop.Then, theres no broadband connection at homes.Now because people think that no-one uses the net so much, there arent any broadband cafes.(well i have heard about one but i doubt its speeds will be as good as webworld`s.
So the tip of the iceberg is that, i cant download any new episodes here.similarly i cant even upload any episodes for u guys to watch.Life is miserable.all i can do here is practice my sketching and to some extent surf and post on blogs like thus!
So the tip of the iceberg is that, i cant download any new episodes here.similarly i cant even upload any episodes for u guys to watch.Life is miserable.all i can do here is practice my sketching and to some extent surf and post on blogs like thus!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Since I`m Done watching South park now
I recently discovered a great site for downloading the simpsons episodes...The video is not the best quality,but its watchable.The site is krustylustudios.com and requires registration.i downloaded a few episodes and am uploading them right now so that u can download them without registering.
This is an episode from season 17 called italian bob.
Homer has to go get Mr. Burns` Lamborghini But it breaks down in a town in Italy.they find out that the mayor is the only one who can fix it.And as u can guess,the mayor is Sideshow Bob-You know the guy who always wants to kill bart...he is setteled there,has forgotten the past and is living his life very peacefully.what happens next, is for u to see.
This is an episode from season 17 called italian bob.
Homer has to go get Mr. Burns` Lamborghini But it breaks down in a town in Italy.they find out that the mayor is the only one who can fix it.And as u can guess,the mayor is Sideshow Bob-You know the guy who always wants to kill bart...he is setteled there,has forgotten the past and is living his life very peacefully.what happens next, is for u to see.
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